Saturday, April 11, 2015

About me

Hey! My name is Cornelia, I’m 21 y.o and I’m addicted to cooking. 
Suddenly, the idea to make a blog crossed my mind, earlier I didn’t think about it at all. I have a lot of cooking books at home with numerous bookmarks. So, when I want to cook something special, I know exactly where my recipe of the day is. My friends ask me at every turn how to cook tilapia fillets or even how to cook pizza or something like that. You know, it’s all dead easy ;) But I get annoyed each time to take recipe books from my shelf, that’s why I’ve decided to start a food blog. 
Here You as well as my friends can find the answers on different cooking questions. I’m going to publish easy and healthy recipes and cooking tips of my favorite dishes all around the world. And I’ll be happy to answer on all your questions! Enjoy!

Love, Cornelia

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