Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sauteed Zucchini,Yellow Squash and Onions recipe

how to cook yellow squash
Today I have a great mood! Have thought a lot about childhood, when dad used to buy fresh vegetables and cooked quick and healthy dinners for me every spring. And after good dinner we have always had a long walk. It used to be different towns and even countries, but the evening walk was a tradition anyway.
Once, I grow up and started to cook at home by my own. For me, for dad, for mom. And that's cool. I mean, parents do their best for children and then it should be on the contrary.
Well, today my parents have visited me and I decided to open every-spring-tradition. So, I bought yellow squash, zcuhinni and onions in market.

Do you know what does it mean? Yeeep, I found out sauteed zucchini and yellow squash recipe! And onions, of course :) I love the recipe, because it's really tasty, easy and so spring!
By the way, did you know than botanically zucchini is a fruit? Yuuum
It can be cooked using different cooking techniques, such as boiled, barbecued, steamed, grilled, fried, stuffed and baked, and also zcchini can be used in other recipes e.g. soufflés. I'm fan of this fruit!
Once, I've backed Zucchini into a bread (soon i'll write about it).
Some Zucchini facts in different countries:
- Mexico. Flor de calabaza (the flower) is usually prepared in soups and used for quesadillas as a filling.
- France. Zucchini is a main ingredient in ratatouille - served as a side dish at home and in restaurants. I prefer to eat ratatouille on its own with a bread. Also zucchini can de served with meat or fruits such as bell peppers, tomatoes in a super delicious dish courgette farcie.
- But as for me, the best recipes with zucchini you can find in Turkey. Oh, it's a great country with a fabulous food! There people make zucchini pancakes and eat them with yougurt. Zucchini are also wide used in kebabs and various meats.
You know, the best cuisine for is middle eastern. Soon, you'll understand why (oops, spoiler).
    And now, please, enjoy sauteed zucchini recipe!

Sauteed Zucchini,Yellow Squash and Onions recipe:

Serves: 4
Preparing: ~10 minutes
Cooking: ~15 minutes
Food energy per 100 G: 180 kcal

You will need:

- 1 small onion - 1/2 - 3/4 inch diced
- 2 medium summer squash (green/yellow or both of them) - 1/2 - 3/4 inch diced
- 2 medium zucchini - 1/2 - 3/4 inch diced
- Almonds – near 80 G, chopped
- Olive oil - 2 tblsp
- 1 big garlic clove, minced
- Red pepper flakes - 1/4 tsp
- Parmesan – 100 G, well grated
- Salt & Freshly ground black pepper
- Basil – 2-3 stalks
- 2 tomatoes

At first, you need to toast chopped almonds in dry skillet over medium-low heat about 3-4 minutes, until you see they a little bit browned. Do not forget to stir almonds occasionally. Put them on the plate and let cool.

2. Then, in the same skillet heat half of the olive oil, add red pepper flakes and minced garlic clove and cook over medium heat about 2 minutes. You need stirring them often until fragrant. Attention! This mix shouldn’t browned.
3. Add diced onion, zucchini and squash along with remaining olive oil, salt & pepper. Increase stove heat to medium-high and cook vegetables about 5 minutes until crisp-tender. And again you need to stir vegetables.
If your pan isn’t large enough, don’t crowd the vegetables, or they are going steaming but not browning. In this case, cook them in two batches. And also not to overcook!
4. Put prepared dish to a serving plate, add fresh basil and pieces of tomatoes. Cover with almonds and parmesan. Bon appetit!

! As you see, we should stirring ingredients all cooking long.
! For having the best texture, the squash shouldn’t go limp.
! If you really love almonds, you surely can toast more of them. As well, you can use pine nuts.
! If you like a spicy food, put more red pepper flakes or use jalapeno.
! Try to combine one garlic scape and one clove of garlic

Bon appetit!
Love, Cornelia

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